There was a problem parsing the package Error (Best Solution)

There was a problem parsing the package Error

Is it true that you are attempting to introduce an application on your android cell phone and a window springs up revealing to you that there was an issue parsing the bundle? This is a typical issue on Android gadgets and nothing to be stressed over. It might show up because of various regular reasons.

In this post, I will clarify what is ‘There was an issue parsing the bundle’ mistake on Android and how to fix it utilizing 5 Best Methods. On the off chance that you are experiencing this issue, simply experience this post and you’ll figure out how to determine it without any problem.
Android is one of the most utilized working frameworks around the globe. It is an exceptionally adaptable stage where you can perform boundless activities by introducing various applications. In any case, now and again certain issues give the idea that keep you from introducing an application. One such issue is the Parse Error: There was an issue parsing the bundle. This specific blunder springs up when you are attempting to introduce an application from Play Store or outsider sources and expresses that there was an issue parsing the bundle.

At the point when it shows up, you can’t introduce the specific application as the parsing of its APK record had broke down prompting this blunder. This may show up because of various reasons that we’ll talk about in the following area. It is one of the most widely recognized issues on Android gadgets. The beneficial thing is you can fix it without any problem.


This issue may emerge because of various causes. A portion of the causes are extremely normal while some of them are uncommon. It is hard to recognize the specific reason for the mistake on your gadget. How about we investigate a portion of the regular reasons for the Parse Error on Android.

  • At the point when the APK document isn’t downloaded totally.
  • Refreshing the OS caused some unsettling influence in the center records for various applications.
  • The APK record is contaminated with an infection or malware so your antivirus isn’t permitting it.
  • Erroneously designed consent settings.
  • The application variant is contradictory with the OS.

There are different causes too, yet realizing them isn’t significant at this moment. The thing we have to concentrate on is the manner by which to fix this blunder.


As the Parse Error is a typical Android issue and nothing genuine, so settling this issue is especially simple also. There are a few arrangements accessible that you can attempt so as to take care of the issue. I’ve handpicked the 5 best ones and posting them here. Attempt them in a steady progression until you locate the one working for you.


In the event that you are attempting to introduce an application from an outsider site rather than the Play Store, at that point erroneously designed establishment settings may be the reason for the Parse Error on your gadget. To fix it, you have simply need to permit the establishment of applications from obscure sources on your gadget. Adhere to the guidelines referenced underneath to realize how to do that.

  • Go to the Settings of your cell phone.
  • Presently look down on Additional Settings.
  • Next, tap on Privacy.
  • Here, Toggle the switch present next Allow establishment of applications from obscure sources to ON position.

That is it. The method may differ contingent on the UI of your gadget. Fast googling would help with that.


Empowering USB Debugging is a general answer for the Parse Error. Thus, you can take a stab at utilizing it to determine the issue. Follow the basic advances referenced underneath so as to empower USB troubleshooting on your gadget.

  • Go to the Settings of your cell phone.
  • Look down and tap on About Device.
  • Here discover Build Number and tap on it multiple times.
  • A messages will show up expressing that “You are a designer for this gadget now.”
  • Return to the Settings principle page.
  • Look down and tap on Developer Options.
  • Here, check the case present close to USB Debugging.

That is it. Presently take a stab at introducing the application and check whether this tackled the issue.


Now and again the APK record gets tainted or not totally downloaded. This for the most part happens when there is an ‘organize change’ while downloading the document. Along these lines, erase the risky APK record and simply download it once more. Ensure this time you download it with no interferences.

Likewise, watch out for the ‘downloading bar’ and notice if there is any variation from the norm all the while. In the event that it is there, you ought to consider downloading it from some other source.


Now and again the antivirus introduced may botch the bundle as vindictive and will forestall the parsing procedure. To dispose of this, you basically need to handicap the antivirus and afterward take a stab at introducing the application. Be that as it may, make a point to do an intensive output of the application utilizing Antivirus as it might contain some unsafe infections or malware.

Additionally, I won’t propose incapacitating antivirus for all time as it might put your gadget in danger. Along these lines, never turn off the antivirus for a long span all things considered there to shield your gadget from dangers.


The Parse Error may likewise show up because of the incongruence of the application rendition and OS. In this way, finding the correct adaptation is a straightforward method to fix it.In the event that you are downloading an application from the Play Store, you can the form of the application and furthermore check whether it is good with your gadget. Be that as it may, when you are downloading from different sources, you may know whether the application is good or not.

In this way, attempt another form of the application. You can attempt a more seasoned adaptation if the most recent one is causing the issues. What’s more, the most recent one on the off chance that you are attempting a more established form of the application.

Last Thoughts

That is the means by which you fix the Parse Error: There was an issue parsing the bundle. Presently you know everything significant about this issue and will have the option to fix it whenever it shows up on your gadget. On the off chance that you are an engineer and need propelled help in regards to the issue, I’d suggesting visit this Stackoverflow string.

That is totally supportive of this post. I trust it encourages you enough. For any inquiries, questions, or proposals, don’t hesitate to utilize the remark box. I’ll be happy to tune in.