How to Change the WiFi Password on Windows PC?


In the event that you need assistance to change the WiFi secret phrase on Windows, at that point you have shown up at the correct spot. In this post, I will direct you on How to Change the WiFi Password on Windows in exceptionally basic advances. Simply experience this post and you’ll get familiar with some helpful bits of data about WiFi Networks and Passwords on Windows PCs.


Changing the WiFi secret key every now and then is viewed as something worth being thankful for as for your cybersecurity and security. Be that as it may, not the entirety of the clients are commonly mindful of how to do it. With the regularly updating settings on Windows, clients are frequently left confounded on the most proficient method to change the WiFi secret phrase on their Windows PCs. Along these lines, to assist you with this, I’m composing this guide will be the guide you need. Here, you will discover basic guidelines that you can follow to change the WiFi secret key on Windows.

We’ll start our guide with changing the WiFi secret key on a Windows PC utilizing Control Panel, and afterward we’ll move further to different techniques. Continue perusing the post with most extreme concentration and you’ll gain proficiency with the stunt for the last time.


You can change the WiFi organize secret phrase otherwise called the security key from the Control Panel. The procedure is basic and exceptionally valuable on occasion when you have to refresh the secret word of a WiFi arrange. Recollect that changing the security key won’t change the secret phrase of WiFi however changes the secret word that your Windows PC uses to associate with that arrange. Adhere to the directions beneath to recognize what you have to do.

  • Press the Windows + R key to trigger the Run discourse box. Type control board in it and hit Enter. This will dispatch the Control Panel.
  • In the Control Panel, click on Network and Internet.
  • Next, click on the Network and Sharing Center alternative from the correct side of the window.
  • Presently click on Manage Wireless Networks present on the left side sheet.
  • In the following window, right-click on the Wireless Network for which you need to change the secret phrase and snap on Properties.
  • Next, change to the Security tab and snap on the container present close to the Network security key. You simply need to alter the content composed here to change the secret key. Additionally, you can choose the Show characters box in the event that you need to see the content. This element could come helpful when you have overlooked the WiFi secret key and need to know it.
  • When done, click on OK to spare the changes.

That is it. This is the means by which you change the WiFi secret phrase on Windows PCs.


You can change the secret word of your WiFi switch utilizing the order brief. Doing this will change the WiFi secret key for all the gadgets it is associated with. Thus, you should re0-enter the secret phrase on all the gadgets once you change the secret phrase utilizing this strategy. This strategy will expect you to sign in to the switch. Ensure you have the username and secret word of the switch. Adhere to the guidelines beneath so as to recognize what you have to do.

  • The primary thing to sign in to the switch is realizing the IP address. You need to utilize Command Prompt to realize that. Press the Windows + X key to get to the Power client menu and select Command Prompt (Admin) from it.
  • In the Command Prompt window, type the ipconfig order and press Enter. This will present to all of you the data about your switch. The IP address of the switch will be available close to the Default Gateway entry.
  • Presently open the program, ideally Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Enter the IP address you distinguished before the hunt bar and hit Enter.
  • Next, the Router’s settings page will open. Sign in utilizing the username and secret key. This will be an unexpected secret key in comparison to the one you use to interface with the WiFi Network. On the off chance that nobody hasn’t transformed it since the establishment of the switch, at that point it’d most presumably be something like administrator, secret word, and so forth. You can likewise contact your specialist co-op or you can do fast googling with the model number of your switch to know the default secret phrase.
  • When you have signed in, go to the Wireless or WLAN segment. The interface may differ from switch to switch.
  • In this area, click on the case present close to the Security key or secret word and alter it. Utilize the secret word you need to use later on here and spare the changes. You can likewise change the name of the WiFi arrange, the security type and furthermore the encryption type from here.
  • Subsequent to sparing, close the Browser.

That is it. Presently simply enter the new secret key on the entirety of your gadgets so they can interface with the WiFi organize.


You can likewise discover or know your WiFi secret word utilizing the Command Prompt on Windows. I will disclose to you how. Simply adhere to the directions referenced beneath and you’ll learn everything.

  • Right off the bat, you will require the SSID  of the WiFi organize which is the name of the association. On the off chance that you don’t have any acquaintance with it, you can discover it in Settings by going to Network and Internet and then tapping on Status.
  • Presently you need to make a cluster document that will assist you with gaining the secret word. To do this, open Notepad from the Start menu. Reorder the accompanying content into it yet supplant YOUR_SSID with the SSID of your WiFi connection:  <prenetsh wlan show profile name=”YOUR_SSID” key=clear stop
  • Next, click on File from the top menu and afterward click on Save as. Select a reasonable name for the record and afterward change the Save as type from Text Documents to All Files. At that point, return to the name field and type .bit after the name. It will look something like this: cluster file.bat.
  • At that point, Save the document anyplace you need.
  • Presently interface with the WiFi system and double tap on this record. A Command Prompt window will open up and you can see the secret key composed close to Key Content.

That is it. This could come extremely helpful when you are routine to overlooking passwords.


That is the way you change the WiFi secret word on Windows PCs. You have likewise taken in extra data like finding the secret word utilizing the order brief. In the event that you need further assistance, you can visit the authority Microsoft string identified with this point. Additionally, you can uninhibitedly ask me anything identified with it utilizing the remark box. I trust this post encourages you enough.