Fix 0xC0000142: Application was Unable to Start Correctly


On the off chance that you are experiencing the ghastly blunder 0xC0000142 on your Windows 10, 8/8.1 or 7 Computer, this post is exceptionally composed to support you. Here, I will direct you on How to Fix Error 0xC0000142: Application couldn’t begin accurately on Windows 10, 8, and 7.

Simply experience this post and you’ll have the option to dispatch the application you have been attempting however experiencing the mistake.


Windows is known to offer the most ideal client experience. Be that as it may, here and there the experience may turn severe and sharp for specific clients. This happens when they experience mistakes that Windows can’t fix itself. As the clients additionally don’t have the foggiest idea how to manage the issue, the circumstance turns most noticeably terrible. Mistake 0xC0000142 is a typical blunder on Windows that obviously comes up when there is an issue with any application. This mistake shows up with a blunder message expressing that “The Application couldn’t begin accurately, (0xC0000142). Snap OK to close the application”


The most widely recognized reason for this mistake is obsolete or degenerate applications. Along these lines, when you attempt to dispatch them, they begin making an irritation and the mistake shows up thus. Different reasons for this issue incorporate risky drivers, obsolete Windows, form, an issue with Registry passages, or an infection disease. There may be some different causes as well. I’ll list here all the general arrangements that may assist you with fixing the mistake. Simply use them individually until you locate the one working for you.


The main arrangement that you should attempt while experiencing this blunder is refreshing the application that is causing it. You can refresh the application by heading off to the Control Panel or visiting the site of the application and downloading the most recent rendition. Additionally, I’d suggest that you generally keep the Update applications naturally highlight of Windows dynamic. On the off chance that you haven’t, adhere to these guidelines to turn it on:

  • Go to the Start screen, and afterward go to Microsoft Store.
  • In Microsoft Store, pick the record menu (the three spots) at the upper right and afterward select Settings.
  • Presently under the App refreshes segment, set the Update applications naturally highlight to On.

Be that as it may, in the event that you are as of now running the most recent adaptation of the application, at that point you have to re-introduce it once. Just uninstall the application from the Control Panel, Restart your PC, and afterward introduce it once more. Presently check if the difficult despite everything endures or it is no more.


You can utilize the sfc/scannow order as a head to fix the defiled framework documents. This may assist you with getting free of the irritating mistake 0xC0000142. Follow the guidelines referenced beneath to comprehend what you have to do.

  • Open Command Prompt as a director through getting to the Power User menu by pressing Windows + X key together.
  • In the wake of opening Command Prompt, type sfc/scannow in the Command Prompt window and press Enter.
  • Presently, stand by quietly until the procedure finishes as it might require some investment to wrap up. In the wake of finishing the procedure, the ruined framework documents will be distinguished and fixed.

When everything is finished, check if the issue is comprehended or in the event that it is still there.


Here and there blunder 0xC0000142 is brought about by inaccurate Registry settings as certain applications may unwittingly change them, and the alteration brings about erroneously arranged settings. In this way, I’ll direct you on checking and fixing the Registry settings. This will assist you with getting free of the issue. Adhere to the directions referenced underneath.

  • Press the Windows + R key to trigger the Run exchange box. Presently type regedit in it and hit Enter. This will dispatch the Registry  Editor.
  • In the Registry Editor, you have to explore to the accompanying key-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\
  • Presently take your cursor to the correct side sheet and double tap on the LoadAppInit_DLLs value.
  • Next, change the worth information to 0 and afterward click on OK to spare the changes.
  • At last, Restart your PC.

Presently check if this purposes the issue. It is one of the most precise arrangements against this mistake. Be that as it may, if the issue is still there, keep perusing.


Hazardous, inaccurately arranged, obsolete, or degenerate illustrations card (VGA) drivers may likewise cause blunder 0xC0000142. So, you can physically refresh the drivers so as to take care of the issue. Adhere to the guidelines referenced beneath so as to recognize what you have to do.

  • Press the Windows + R key to trigger the Run exchange box. Type devmgmt.msc in it and hit Enter. This will dispatch the Device Manager.
  • Presently go to Audio, Video and Game Controller.
  • Next, go to Display Adapters and discover a section for your illustrations card, which is typically named as the picture present underneath.
  • Double tap on the illustrations drivers and go to the Driver tab. Presently click on Update Driver.
  • In the following screen, select  Search naturally for refreshed driver programming.
  • Hold up until Windows finds and introduces the most recent adaptation of the driver for you.

On the other hand, you can download the most recent adaptation of the driver from the designer’s site, and afterward introducing it. When everything is done, check on the off chance that you can dispatch the application without experiencing the mistake.


In the event that all the previously mentioned arrangements have neglected to work for you, you should have a go at running the application in  Compatibility Mode. This is another extremely precise arrangement against blunder 0xC0000142. Follow the guidelines referenced underneath so as to comprehend what you have to do.

  • Take your cursor to the Desktop Shortcut of the Application causing the issue and right-click on it.
  • Presently select Properties from the setting menu.
  • Next, change to the Compatibility tab and check the Run this program in similarity mode for: box.
  • Pick a past rendition of Windows starting from the drop menu. For instance, in the event that you are on Windows 10, at that point pick Windows 8. Or on the other hand, on the off chance that you are on Windows 8, at that point pick Windows 7.
  • At that point, click on OK to spare the changes.
  • At last, check if the application can run now.

This will take care of the issue for a considerable lot of the clients.


These are the Top 5 Solutions to fix 0xC0000142 mistake without any problem. Some different arrangements incorporate checking the PC for infections or malware utilizing a decent antivirus or downloading a more established form of the application.

You can likewise visit the authority Microsoft string identified with this mistake to look for additional assistance. On the off chance that you think about some other great arrangement, let me know in the remarks segment. I trust this post causes you enough and you are in the clear at this point.