How to Install HipStore on iPhone/iPad? [Free Download]


Are you looking to learn how to download and install HipStore on your iPhone or iPad without jailbreaking or paying any money? If yes, this post is specially written for your help. Here, I will tell you the Best Methods you can use to get HipsStore on your iPhone or iPad. Also, I will explain everything needed if you don’t have enough knowledge about HipStore.


I’m going to start with a quick introduction to HipStore. If you already know what is and what it is capable of, you can directly scroll down and skip to the methods of downloading and installing it. The information here is really going to help the beginners.

Hipstore is an application for iOS devices that works as a third-party app store. It also commonly known as HIP4U. This app library can prove to be a really good alternative to the traditional Apple’s app store. HipStore lets you download paid apps and games for free, and you don’t even need a jailbreak iOS device. It achieves this by providing direct downloading of patched versions. Hence, it is a very useful app if you want to get all the latest and trending games and apps without paying any money. The official App Store demands too much money.

Note: People wrongly assumeS that HipStore is an alternative to Cydia. But, the reality is different. Cydia is a package manager that allows users to install tweaks and new libraries on a jailbroken device. HipStore is more like a replacement to the traditional App Store but with an addition of cracked apps.


Let’s take a look at some notable features of HipStore that are the major reason why HipStore is adored so much by the community.

  • The user-interface is very user-friendly. You can easily browse through HipStore and find your favorite apps and games for free.
  • You can download any paid apps for free without any trouble.
  • HipStore doesn’t even need jailbreaking or root permissions. You just have to accept the profile settings in order to use this store.
  • You can find hundreds of indie apps and games that are exclusive to HipStore. Some of these are really intriguing and fun.
  • The library is almost endless. You can even upload your apps for the community members and ask them for genuine reviews.


There are two main methods to install HipStore on iPhone and iPad. However, if you are using iOS 12 or later, the method changes a little. So, I’ll explain all the ways through which you can install HipStore.


The first way to install HipStore is by using the configuration profile. Follow these steps in order to know-how:

Step-1: Download Hipstore from this download link.

Step-2: Once the page loads completely, tap on ‘Install’ and wait for it to load.

Step-3: The installation shall begin now. Check if it is properly continuing. If you see the status as ‘waiting,’ then tap on it to get it started.

Step-4: When the installation gets complete, you will see the HipStore icon on your home page. This suggests that you have successfully installed HipStore on your Apple device.

That’s it. This is the simplest way to get HipStore.


The next method to install HipStore is by using the IPA files. In order to use IPA File, you will need an updated iTunes and your computer. Follow these steps:

Step-1: Launch iTunes and update it. You can skip this step if you have already updated iTunes. To update iTunes, go to Help and then click on Check for updates. If there is an update available, install it.

Step-2: Now download Cydia Impactor on your PC.

Step-3: Next, download IPA File that you have to use later.

Step-4: After downloading both of these, connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer and launch Cydia Impactor.

Step-5: Once the Impactor detects your device, drag and drop the .ipa file into it.

Step-6: An ‘Expired certificate‘ warning will appear, ignore it by clicking on Ok.

Step-7: Now enter your Apple ID, click on Ok and let the Cydia Impactor complete the process.

Step-8: Once the procedure is complete, you will see the HipStore icon on your Home page.

Step-9: Go to the iOS Settings, and then go to General.

Step-10: Here, tap on Profiles, and find HipStore or your Apple ID from the list.

Step-11: Tap on it, and then tap on Trust. Finally, close the Settings app.

That’s it. Now you can easily use HipStore without facing any difficulty.


If you are using iOS 12 or later, you should use this method to install HipStore on your Apple device. Follow these steps:

Step-1: Launch the Safari browser and Download AppValley. You will need it in order to download HipStore.

Step-2: After successfully downloading and installing AppValley, launch it and search HipStore.

Step-3: When you find it, download HipStore. Wait until the download is complete and then install it.

Step-4: After the successful installation, go to the Settings app. Next, tap on General and then on Profile. Here, tap on Device Management.

Step-5: Find HipStore here and tap on Trust to add it to the trusted apps list.

Step-6: Now just tap on the HipStore icon on your Home screen and use it without any restrictions.

That’s it.


Its 2020 and HipStore might not function properly for some users due to updated Apple’s es privacy policies. If you are the one who is facing certain problems with HipStore, then you shall start using a HipStore alternative. Here are the 5 Best HipStore alternatives that you can use without missing out on the opportunities.

  • TuTuAPP- It is available for iOS, Android and also Windows. You can use it to find all the paid apps and games for absolutely free.
  • TweakBox- This is a popular HipStore alternative. You can use it to find the most interesting paid apps, cracked apps, and some originals for free.
  • AppAddict- It is from the developers of the popular cracked apps source AppTrackr. It offers a lot of interesting apps and games without demanding any money.
  • vShare- It is one of the best sources to find the paid iOS apps for free.
  • AppCake- AppCake is considered as one of the best alternatives to the Play Store as well as the App Store. Both iOS and Android users use it to find their favorite apps and games for free.


So that’s how you install and use HipStore on your iPad and iPhone. Or, you can just try out an alternative to the popular cracked apps store. For any queries, doubts, or suggestions, feel free to visit the comment section. I’ll be glad to listen. I hope this post helps you enough.